Illustration by Luke Kruse
SFV Patriots Monthly Meeting: Join us the second Saturday of each month (except December), 3 to 4:30 p.m., at our new "clubhouse," the Garden Room at Marie Callender's Restaurant & Bakery, 19310 Business Center Drive, Northridge, CA 91324: 818-993-0704. The maximum seating is 45, so your RSVP matters, especially for two upcoming programs in September and November that will pack the house. The currently scheduled monthly meetings are:
- June 9, 2018: Malcolm McGough, CEO of Public Relations & Corporate Funding for Election Integrity Project--California (EIP-CA), which seeks to keep the states voter registration roles free of corruption and in compliance with federal laws.
- July 14, 2018: Don Jans, author of "The Road to Tyranny: Individualism to Collectivism." Mr. Jans is a frequent guest speaker nationally on the influence of Leftist ideologies from Communism to Socialism within the United States to transform our culture, Constitution and way of life within the past 100 years.
- August 12, 2018: Edwin Pepping, a 90-plus year-old WWII paramedic-recently featured on The Larry Elder Show-will share inspiring stories of heart and courage from his memories in the war that defined the Greatest Generation.
- September 8, 2018: Our annual 9-11 Memorial program includes dramatic readings of actual news events from Patriot Day. Due to the solemn nature of the program, there will be NO LATE SEATING between 3 and 3:20 p.m. Our keynote speaker is Evan Sayet, nationally known conservative commentator and author. We are limited to 45 maximum, so early arrival is key for your chance to find seating. Yes, time like this we miss a larger dining room.
- October 2018: TBA
- November 10, 2018: Jennifer Horn, conservative 870 AM Talk Radio host of the Morning Answer with Brian Whitman and Jennifer Horn weekdays, offers whip-smart commentary on the local, state and national political scene. RSVP essential by 11/7/2018 to 818-881-7176 (SFV Patriots hotline).